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Our information is for primary school children who are completing The ABC Project in school
(and anyone else with an interest.)
To help you learn new words and meanings, words in purple and underlined will open a pop-up to explain the word and its meaning
Are you worried about something you have seen online? Has someone asked you to keep a secret about something that worries you? If you need to find out more, click the CEOP button above
Childline is yours – a free, private, and confidential service where you can talk about anything. We’re here for you online, on the phone, anytime.
CALL US ON 0808 808 2008
You can reach our free helpline any day of the week between 4 pm and 10 pm. Our team will offer you support in a non-judgemental and non-directive way.
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When we are having fun it can be so easy to forget about keeping safe. You can be at risk at any time and not just during the holidays
.1. If you fall through the ice, there could be a strong current below the surface making it very difficult for you to keep safe and it could drag you underneath the surface
2. The river or pond might look shallow but the depth can change from shallow to very deep in a single step. Out of your depth, you could be in great danger
3. There might be rubbish or tree roots hidden from view that could trap you putting you in great danger.
4. The shock your body receives from the cold water could make it very difficult for you to make your way out of the water to safety
Bullying needs to be dealt with 52 weeks of the year but Anti-Bullying Week gives the problem a special focus
Here are some links to important information about how to deal with being bullied
ChildLine (See more information about ChildLine elsewhere on this page)
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